Web Project Management
Creative Services manages several website projects for University Relations and units across the university. Our main web development platform is the Rutgers Drupal Content Management System, for which we offer varying service levels of assistance to our clients.
Each web project will be different, and some require different procedures, which are detailed here. We also provide insight into general website project management procedures. Communication strategies, timeframes, and workload demands can be tailored to fit the needs of your client and your availability. So think of these procedures as guidelines, not prescriptions, in helping you successfully manage a web project.
Project Management Basics Web Development Process
A high-level overview of procedures for creating websites within University Relations Office of Creative Services.
Development Process
A step-by-step guide to developing new websites.
Sites We Manage
Select procedures for specific websites already managed by Creative Services.
Tasks & Tips
Helpful tools on a variety of web project management topics, from setting-up meetings and financials to developing websites and training.