Advertising in Rutgers Magazine
The magazine accepts ads from external and internal advertisers as long as they fall within the advertising policy of the magazine that is available in the online media kit at
External Advertisers
The ad sales representative is responsible for dealing with external advertisers.
- prospecting
- negotiating
- sending invoices
- sending insertion orders
- sending samples
- dealing with questions
- following up on artwork
- responsible for attending meetings as needed
Additionally at the end of the issue, the sales rep will send a report (Excel spreadsheet or MS Word doc) with the following details:
- Advertiser name/agency contact
- Ad size, placement, cost, # of insertions
- notation if the advertiser is through a Nelligan contract
After payment is received for the ad placement, then the sales rep will receive her commission.
Sales person’s compensation:
- Paid an hourly rate as a type 4 and given commission
- Commission based on net costs (rates are gross, meaning ad agencies can take 15% off the rate)
- Up to $50,000 per issue—5% commission
- $50,001 +--10% commission
- Nelligan clients (ads must be placed through Nelligan as part of their sponsorships) 3% commission to sales person
- Ad sales rep sends summary of work with weekly hours
Internal Advertisers
An internal person is designated as the contact person. “Internal” means any Rutgers entity (schools, centers, programs).
Rates are as follows:
- The 3x insertion rate minus 15%.
- Or, a negotiated rate that’s acceptable.
University Communications and Marketing (UCM) must prepare an invoice for the internal advertiser so they can create an IPO, journal entry, or PO. If advertising in more than one issue, the funds are transferred after each issue publishes.
Internal advertisers may receive copies of the magazine (25-50) with their ad placement. They should be asked ahead of time and added to the distribution list. Just be sure to remove them once their ad has run.
Public Services Ads
Both publishers, University Communications and Marketing and Alumni Relations, may run free ads as public services messages. Additionally, Rutgers Foundation may also run free ads.
Restrictions on Paid Advertisements
In order to maintain our nonprofit advertising postal rate, the magazine cannot accepts ads for:
1. Credit or debit cards or similar financial instrument or account
2. Insurance policies
3. Travel arrangements
In addition in order to accept ads, the magazine must meet the periodical definition by the post office.
To meet the content requirements for a periodical publication, the mailpiece must:
- Have a title. The title must be printed on the front cover page in a style and size of type that clearly distinguish the title from other information on the front cover page.
- Be formed of printed sheets. (The publication may not be reproduced by stencil, mimeograph, or hectograph processes; however, reproduction by any other process is permitted.) Any style of type may be used.
- Contain an identification statement on one of the first five pages of the publication that includes these elements:
- Title.
- Issue date. The date may be omitted if it is on the front cover or cover page.
- Statement of frequency showing when issues are to be published (e.g., daily; weekly; monthly; monthly except June; three times a year in June, August, and December; annually; irregularly).