Rutgers Day
Production Procedures
1. General Procedures
- All job requests from project managers must include job number and component number prior to the start of any art or production work. Project managers should include the previous year’s file number and any new file information regarding new sizes, dimensions, or file specs.
- If a new job or component has the same specs as a another job, the release file can be reused after it is renamed. A separate folder should be created for archiving purposes and include a copy of the previous job’s layout or source files along with the renamed release file.
2. Use Finder Labels for Job Folders
- ORANGE = In progress, initial layout not complete or not yet in review
- BLUE = Active, layout complete, out for approval
- RED = Okay for release -- (Gerry Meccia will confirm files before labeling RED)
- GREEN = Completed files, including final layout, submission-ready file(s) -- (labeled GREEN, then copied to backup)
3. Tips for Releasing Files
- Requests for file release should be made by email or routing sheet and not by phone or voicemail. They should include full job number, component number, any release file specs, date needed, and FTP information—if necessary.
- Layout file names should not be changed in any way other than adding ‘_F’ to the end of the file name.
- The release file (PDF, JPEG, GIF, or other) must include the two-digit component number and the file name from the layout. (It can include the full job number and version info such as 4C or B&W for clarity.)
- Release files of jobs requiring revision will get ‘r1’ (and subsequently ‘r2,’ ‘r3’, etc.) added to the both the layout file and the release file.
- CC Gerry Meccia on all release notification emails.
4. Network Backup Location
- Groups / Art / ART SHARED / !ART_ACTIVE / RUTGERS DAY 2012