Rutgers Magazine
Prep for Print | Create Online Issue
Print Production Prep for Brown Printing
1. Get color proofs of photos
- Send photos out for color proofs two weeks before release of issue.
2. Prepare Quark file
- Cleanup up Quark file. (Regular job preparation procedure.)
3. Create PDF files
- In Quark, go to the File menu, select Export and then Layout as PDF...
- Click on the PDF Style drop down button and select PDF/X-1a:2001
- Export pages individually
- Name PDF files according to page number and issue. (ex. p01RUmag_W12.pdf)
- After the PDF is created, open up the file in Acrobat. Under Advanced select Preflight, then select verify compliance with PDF/x-1a
- Review file
4. Upload PDF file to B.Direct (Brown Printing Website)
- Go to Note browser compatibility. Fill in name and password, and login. Brown Printing provides login information.
- Click on PageManager icon
- Click on Flatplan icon
- Select magazine issue from ISSUE drop down
- Click on Mass Transit icon to upload files
- In the pop-up box, upload the individual pages
- Review any pages that have a Preflight warning in the flatplan. Click on red triangle to view error.
5. Click Approval Icon
- When all pages are final, click the Page Approved icon to approve pages for the press.
Create an Online Issue of Rutgers Magazine
The Rutgers Magazine website is built on the Drupal content management platform. As you create the online issue, update each step in ProjTrak so that two people are not working in the same section at the same time.
1. To start an issue, you need:
- Issue date designation
- Online version URL
- Cover image JPEG
2. Create Word document
- Copy text from each article from the Quark file and paste into a Word document
- Create Word documents for each section
- Include photo captions and credits
- Give the Word documents to the editor to populate the site
3. Images
- Size and optimize all images for each section
- Add to the site
- Ask the Media Lab to add captions
4. Links
- Links are added by an editor to each article where applicable
5. Proofreading
- Site is trafficked through proofreading by the art department and editorial
- Proofreading progress is logged in ProjTrak
6. Ebook
- Make a PDF of the entire magazine
- Give the PDF to the Media Lab, which will create an ebook