Going to Print

Pre-print Preparation | Releasing Files | Printers' Proofs

Pre-print Preparation

The Project Manager keeps the Print Specialist apprised of the date a project is expected to go to print. As that date nears, the Print Specialist should complete a Print Order and obtain a Purchase Order. The Project Manager will have secured an IPO.

Print orders and Purchase Orders

  • In the FileMaker Pro project, click "Create Print Order" on the Print Specs tab. A PO will come up on screen.
  • Information from the Print Specs and Vendor Pricing tabs in FileMaker Pro will automatically transfer to the Print Order.
  • Add vendor name and delivery date.
  • Print one copy and have Senior Director sign it. After it's signed, make a photocopy for the job bag.
  • Bring  the signed original to the Business Office.
  • If under $5,000, email the winning vendor bid to the Business Office.
  • If over $5,000, email all three vendor bids to the Business Office.
  • If job is under $5,000, the Business Office will obtain a purchase order number and email it to the Print Specialist within 24 hours.
  • If job is more than $5,000, the Print Order will need to go to Purchasing for review and issuance of a Purchase Order number. Allow a minimum of two (2) weeks for processing.
  • Once a purchase order number is obtained, enter it onto the Print Order in FileMaker Pro
  • When job is approved for release, print out two (2) copies and stamp as follows:
    - Job Bag Copy
    - Financial File  (Billing File)
  • Save a third copy as a PDF.
  • Email the Print Order PDF to vendor along with the filename for the uploaded artwork (see "Releasing Files" below).


An IPO is a promise to pay provided by an internal Rutgers client. A job should never go to print without an IPO unless the project manager has made an exception. See more about IPOs in the project management section (link to IPO information).

Releasing Files

Once a job has been final approved and proofread, the project manager notifies the print production specialist of a release date. When the files are ready to upload, the Print Specialist does the following:

  • Email print order and filename for uploaded art to vendor. Any additional pertinent job information for the vendor should be included in this email.
  • Give Designer or Art Director FTP information for that vendor.
  • Ask the project manager and art director if they will be attending press check. If so, be sure to let the printer know.

Printers’ Proofs

The vendor will output the appropriate proofs for the office's internal review, at which time the print specialist does the following:

  • Prepare cover sheet for printer’s proof.
  • Route for review with designer/art director, proofreader, and project manager. The project manager will determine if the client is to see the proof or not.
  • Once final sign-off has been obtained, or it has been determined that changes (AAs) are needed, email the vendor with the approval or requested changes.
  • Send the physical proof back to the printer via overnight delivery.
  • If AAs are needed, let vendor know if 2nd proof should be a PDF or physical output.
  • Route second printers’ proof with any corrections for approval.
  • Once final approval is obtained, notify vendor to print job.